Home » shop » ColorLight LED Controller » Colorlight iM9 Multifunction Card Remote Control
Colorlight iM9 Multifunction Card is an important accessories of the Colorlight control system for environmental monitoring and remote control. iM9 can be used to monitor the operating environment of the LED displays, such as temperature, humidity, smoke, etc., to ensure the safety of the display.
Colorlight IM9 LED Display Multifunction Card can detect the environmental brightness and adjust the brightness of the display automatically in order to make sure the display work in the most suitable brightness.
ColorLightLED Controller Card System Synchronous and asynchronous
Colorlight i9 LED Display Receiving Card
Colorlight LED Control Card System iQ7E, iQ7, 5A, 5A-75, 5A-75E, 5A-75B, 5A-F, A8, i9+, i9, i6, i5A, i5A+ T7, iT7, i5A-F, i5A-905, i5A-907, M9, iM9
ColorLight Z6 PRO Z6 Z4 Supper Video LED Controller Card
ColorLight X20 X16E X16 X12 X8 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 CS20-8K Pro CS4K Video LED Controller Box
ColorLight Sender S20 S6F S4 S2 LED Sending Card
ColorLight A4K A2K C4 C6 C7 C3 C2 C1 Player
ColorLight Accessories H10FN H16F-N H16F H2F iM9 Mnltifunction Card SSR-L29 Brightness Sensor SSR-L16 Brightness Sensor SSR-TEMP Temperature and Humidity Sensor
ColorLlight Software LEDVISION PlayerMaster ColorLight Cloud LED Assistant-Android LED Aaaistant-iOS
Colorlight iM9 Multifunction Card is an important accessories of the Colorlight control system for environmental monitoring and remote control. iM9 can be used to monitor the operating environment of the LED displays, such as temperature, humidity, smoke, etc., to ensure the safety of the display.
Colorlight IM9 LED Display Multifunction Card can detect the environmental brightness and adjust the brightness of the display automatically in order to make sure the display work in the most suitable brightness.
ColorLightLED Controller Card System Synchronous and asynchronous
Colorlight i9 LED Display Receiving Card
Colorlight LED Control Card System iQ7E, iQ7, 5A, 5A-75, 5A-75E, 5A-75B, 5A-F, A8, i9+, i9, i6, i5A, i5A+ T7, iT7, i5A-F, i5A-905, i5A-907, M9, iM9
ColorLight Z6 PRO Z6 Z4 Supper Video LED Controller Card
ColorLight X20 X16E X16 X12 X8 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 CS20-8K Pro CS4K Video LED Controller Box
ColorLight Sender S20 S6F S4 S2 LED Sending Card
ColorLight A4K A2K C4 C6 C7 C3 C2 C1 Player
ColorLight Accessories H10FN H16F-N H16F H2F iM9 Mnltifunction Card SSR-L29 Brightness Sensor SSR-L16 Brightness Sensor SSR-TEMP Temperature and Humidity Sensor
ColorLlight Software LEDVISION PlayerMaster ColorLight Cloud LED Assistant-Android LED Aaaistant-iOS
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